HydraFacial Syndeo® 3.0

Meet Syndeo 3.0... the future of Hydrafacial: 

The most innovative and advanced Hydrafacial delivery system–ever. Syndeo® elevates the entire experience, making it even more personalised and effective.

The Hydrafacial Syndeo 3.0 System - Only Hydrafacial devices use Vortex Fusion technology to gently but thoroughly refresh and revive any skin type.

The Platinum HydraFacial Experience is a unique protocol, exclusively available at The Wellfield Skin Clinic. It combines all 7 steps of the standard Platinum HydraFacial, but adapts it to ensure a spa experience is achieved for our clients. 

The Wet Diamond Tip - This is the latest innovation in the HydraFacial treatment protocols. This in only available at Doctor Led Medical providers of HydraFacial treatments. The diamond encrusted tip gives enhanced exfoliation in the Cleanse phase of the treatment. There are 2 grades of abrasion, 120 and 100, for a tiered approached to your treatment intensity. 

Verified ProviderWe are the only accredited and verified provider in Windsor, Berkshire. 

What do HydraFacial say about their new Verified Provider Program

"Our Verified Provider Program ensures you receive HydraFacial treatments from top-tier professionals. Verified Providers meet the highest standards of HydraFacial personalisation, quality and service."

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